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Anatomical study of the upper torso: Automatic clavicle-scapula rigging system

Francesco Gioia • 29 maggio 2022


In this post, I would like to give an introduction on the upper torso anatomy, as well as showing my favourite rigging system for this part of the body. In particular, I will demonstrate the setup on a skeleton model, and the best application is to rig skeletons for muscle simulations, such as in Ziva. Having a good skeleton rig really helps a lot to have stable simulations and proper bony landmarks.

This doesn't mean that you can't use this setup to achieve better deformations as well as some fake-scapula sliding in your skinned models.

Anatomical Study

In this post, I am going to describe the appearance and functionality of three main bone structures: Clavicles, Scapulas, and ribs.

The clavicle (also known as the collarbone) connects the top part of the sternum (also know as manubrium) to a scapula process called acromion.

The scapula connects the humerus with the clavicle. It has no direct bone connection to the ribs, but it rather slides over them, and the connection area is usually referred as scapulothoracic joint.

Rigging these parts, we have to take into account both the sliding behavior of the scapula and the pivot of the clavicle.


In terms of movements, we can identify 8 main scenarios:

  • Adduction - Clavicles rotate inward, the scapulas get closer.
  • Abduction - Clavicles rotate outward, the scapulas get farther.
  • Elevation - Clavicles rotate upward, the scapulas elevate in a vertical path.
  • Depression - Clavicles rotate downward, the scapulas drop in a vertical path.
  • Upward Rotation - This happens when raising the humerus after a certain angle (usually 70 to 90 degrees depending from person to person), the clavicles rotate upward and the scapula both raises and rotates outward.
  • Downward Rotation - Opposite to the upward rotation.
  • Protraction - Clavicles rotate outward, vertebrae bend forward slightly, the scapulas abduct and there is a tilt in the anterior part.
  • Retraction - Opposite to the protraction.

I won't cover much of the deformation side here, but I will give some quick tips about the main muscles and bony landmarks visible from outside.

In terms of bony landmarks, acromiom is probably the most visible, as well as the spine of the scapula, the inferior margin, and the medial border in adduction. The clavicle itself is all pretty visible even with high fat percentages.

In terms of muscles, it depends on the fat percentage and the level of hypertrophy of the muscle itself. Of course, the two main muscles of the back are the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi, but I would say that on a trained person it is easy to see the posterior delt, the teres major and even the infraspinatus.

Notice that the posterior delt is usually underdeveloped, compared to the other deltoids, this is mainly because most of the training programs privilege front and side delt, as well as press exercises, therefore keep in mind that the posterior delt will be usually a bit smaller then expected on a pretty muscular person.

Base Photo by ShotPot -

Rigging Approach

Range of motion test

20 settembre 2022
We all love aim constraints. They are easy to set up and pretty powerful, if we know how to use them. But how is an aim constraint really working? That is actually a pretty simple logic, but exploring it is very interesting and will surely give you a good visual exercise for vector maths. First of all, to properly set up an aim constraint, we need three vectors : - Our base object vector . - An aim vector . - An up vector , in most of the 3D softwares the up vector, if not specified, is the y axis. The reason why we need an up vector is that when we are using euler angles (the x, y, z rotation system that we use every day to manipulate our objects) after 180 degrees, since the angle considered is always the smallest one, the other side is considered (essentially, if we are rotating 270 degrees for instance, the angle calculated would actually be the remaining 90°). Without going too complex to that, this leads to flipping , and setting an up vector essentially sets in which cases our object will flip. Relying on a custom up vector is useful because we can use for instance an object in our rig that is connected to the rest of the rig, so the up vector is changing every time the rig is transformed an this helps to reduce flipping. This is why the more complex system of quaternions was introduced. I won't cover quaternions in this article, as they are definitely on a more advanced side, but they are essentially 4 floats vectors . where 3 of the 4 components are not real numbers , but imaginary ones , that are not affected by the issue that I described above (and neither others, for instance gimbal lock, under certain circumstances).
11 luglio 2022
This is a pretty old project that I finally had the time to finalize. My goal was to create a walking shot with muscles, fat and skin sim. I already did a lot of muscle sims in the past, but I must say that I am pretty happy with this one. I will publish soon a full article showing the breakdown of the process! CREDITS: Animation - Stefano Colombo Modeling and texturing - Nicolas Morel
Autore: Francesco Gioia 12 maggio 2022
Blendshape nodes are among the most important deformers used in Maya (and not just there! Similar nodes are implemented in almost every 3D software ). Different types of behaviors can be implemented, usually, the most common approach is the vertex order-based one, but UVs can be used as well . In this post, I will go for the vertex order-based one.
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